
Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

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Adjunto anuncio de un seminario de arqueología para darle amplia difusión:

"Climate change and behavioural adaptations: a late Pleistocene perspective from Blombos Cave (South Africa)"

Geeske Langejans (Leiden University)
4 de abril 2013
16.30h, Sala de Actes, Delegació del CSIC a Catalunya, c/ Egipcíaques 15, Barcelona 08001 

It is often assumed that climatic and environmental developments influenced major behavioural and technological changes during the Late Pleistocene in Africa. The seminar will explore the influence of the environment on human subsistence strategies at Blombos Cave (South Africa) ca. 75 - 70 ka and examines the changes in the representation of small (non-food) shellfish species, and large mammal and large shellfish prey to determine the local environment and climate and how its change influenced human subsistence strategies.

Alejandro Chiner Arias
Institució Milà i Fontanals - CSIC 

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