
Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

ICAZ 2014 - Stories written in teeth

We are glad to announce that the session "Stories written in teeth: New archaeological insights from tooth related studies" has been approved by the ICAZ Committee for the 2014 ICAZ conference in San Rafael, Argentina.

It will be a great opportunity to bring together zooarchaeologists using methods related to animal dental remains as proxies to study human palaeoecology, subsistence and social behavior. We hope the session will stimulate dialogue and interaction from various disciplines related to teeth. Topics include but are not limited to tooth marks on bones, tooth ornaments, stable isotopes, cementum analysis, tooth microwear, enamel microstructure, dental calculus…

Participation in the session includes oral presentations and posters. In both cases, an abstract of the proposal must be submitted online by February 28th directly on the conference web page: www.icaz2014argentina.com. The proposal must specify that it is aimed at session "18. Stories written in teeth", and we would appreciate a copy sent to our email as well: florent.rivals@gmail.com. On the conference web page you will find the guidelines for abstract presentation and for posters, as well as information about registration.

We are planning to get all contributions (oral presentations and posters) published in a special issue of a peer-reviewed international journal. We will provide more information about the publication schedule during the ICAZ conference.

You are all welcome to participate in the session. Feel free to make circulate this call for papers to other colleagues who you think might be interested. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Florent Rivals and Edgard Camarós 


Organizers: Florent Rivals and Edgard Camarós; frivals@iphes.cat; ecamaros@iphes.cat

In the last years the study of dental remains from archaeological sites has become an important element bringing new insights to understand past societies. This potential is related to the application of new methods or improvement of existing methods that contributed to provide a better knowledge of human palaeoecology, subsistence and social behavior.

The objective of this session is to bring together presentations and discussions on the last advances in the ways of analyzing tooth-related evidences in the archaeological record. Themes are related to palaeoecology and zooarchaeology. Possible topics include but are not limited to stable isotopes, cementum analysis, tooth microwear, enamel microstructure, dental calculus, tooth marks on bones, or even tooth ornaments.

In this session preference will be given to those presentations combining different methodologies and disciplines applied to large mammals and with clear archaeological implications. 

Florent Rivals
ICREA research professor
Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)


Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

Estimados amigos, 
Os recordamos que el ciclo ARQUEOLEÓN continua mañana jueves día 12 de diciembre a las 20 h. con la conferencia Veinte años de investigación de la Edad del Hierro en las tierras de León impartida por Jesús Celis Sánchez (ILC) y Fernando Muñoz Villarejo (arqueólogo).
Os esperamos.

Museo de León


Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

Estimats amics i amigues,

El Museu de Prehistòria de València es complau de convidar-vos a les “
II Jornades d’Arqueozoologia, els dies 12 i 13 de desembre al Saló Alfons el Magnànim (Carrer Corona, 36 - València 46003).
Ens agradaria comptar amb tots vosaltres.

Més informació a la pàgina web del Museu.

Estimados amigos y amigas,

El Museo de Prehistoria de Valencia se complace en invitaros a las “
II Jornadas de Arqueozoologíalos días 12 y 13 de diciembre al Salón Alfons el Magnànim (Calle Corona, 36 - Valencia 46003).
Nos gustaría contar con todos vosotros.Más información en la página web del Museo.

Helena Bonet Rosado
Directora del Museu de Prehistòria de València



Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

Estimados amigos,
Con estas líneas os recordamos que continúan las conferencias de ARQUEOLÉON, con la segunda del ciclo: "Los hombres mesolíticos de La Braña-Arintero: aportaciones del estudio del genoma en el contexto de la transición Mesolítico-Neolítico", impartida por Julio Vidal Encinas (Junta de Castilla y León) y Carles Lalueza-Fox (CSIC). Será mañana miércoles (excepcionalmente, por causa del viernes festivo) a las 20 h. Con entrada libre hasta completar aforo.
Un saludo 
Museo de León