
Cursos, congresos y conferencias. Lista de Prehistoria

Adjuntamos información sobre un curso práctico de programación utilizando el lenguaje Python y que está indicado para investigadores en arqueología. Quedan unas pocas plazas que se abren para inscripción gratuita de estudiantes e investigadores ajenos al proyecto SimulPast www.simulpast.es hasta el 12 de julio.

This two-day free course is suitable for beginners and especially designed for archaeologists and social scientists. 

course: Learning to programme with python
tutor: Xavier Rubio Campillo
date: 15th-16th July 2013
venue: IMF-CSIC, c/ Egipcíaques 15, 08001 Barcelona 

To register please reply by 12th July to simulpast@gmail.com with "python tutorial" as the Subject of your message.

Important: Please find attached an updated, detailed schedule containing the technical instructions for the course.

This tutorial will explain the basic theoretical concepts underlying programming, and its potential uses for archaeological researchers. It will mainly be a practical course using the Python programming language. The dynamic of every session will be a mix of minimum theoretical background and different incremental examples covering the explained topics. In addition there will be several milestones where a small exercise will be performed in order to improve the understanding of the code. All the examples and exercises will be related to daily problems that an archaeologist can face (e.g. reading and writing text files, data processing, analysis and simulation, etc.). We remind all participants that they will need to bring their own laptops with the necessary software already installed.

The course is part of the transdisciplinary activities in the SimulPast project (CSD2010-00034), funded by the Spanish government.

Alejandro Chiner Arias
SimulPast (CONSOLIDER-Ingenio2010) project secretary
Institució Milà i Fontanals - CSIC

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